About Acne

Acne can affect all skin types and all ages, and may be caused by a combination of genetics, hormone changes, and health and environmental factors.

Acne can form when:

  • Androgen (male) hormones stimulate excess sebum (or oil) production;
  • Excess oil, dry skin and debris combine and become trapped in the pore; and
  • Acne bacteria lives naturally on healthy skin but proliferates when pores become blocked. The damage caused by this bacteria, and the associated inflammation, can make the tissues more susceptible to other bacteria (such as staphylococcus aureus).

Acne can be categorised into different grades:

  • Grade 1: Mild blackheads and papules;
  • Grade 2: Moderate blackheads, pustules and papules;
  • Grade 3: Moderate to severe inflammation, blackheads, pustules and papules; and
  • Grade 4: Severe inflammation, blackheads, pustules and papules.

Recommended Treatments

The professionals at Australian Laser & Skin are highly trained and ready to support you with the results you want to achieve! Book a free skin consultation with our team and we will develop a custom skin treatment plan to get you exceptional results quickly!

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