Low Level Laser Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy, also known as Cold Laser Therapy, is an extremely effective non-thermal (or “Cold”) laser treatment, designed to treat and relieve a number of skin, inflammatory and body conditions. Australian Laser & Skin is proud to provide this therapy in our Melbourne clinics, helping to alleviate, decrease, and reduce a number of our client’s concerns. It works by penetrating the skin deeply with a consistent infra-red laser beam at a long wavelength of 800 – 830 nm, resulting in the stimulation, regulation and acceleration of cell function in the area being treated. It also delivers effective penetration into injured cells to promote healing, restoration and the regeneration of damaged tissue. The appearance creates fresh, clear and youthful skin that is free of imperfections. This treatment can be used on any part of the body and works to restore injured tissue to a normal level in both structure and function. Symptoms such as swelling, redness and damaged skin may also be alleviated. Low Level Laser Therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments in our Melbourne clinics to achieve your desired results. When performed together with Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Photo Rejuvenation, Anti-Wrinkle Injections, Dermal Fillers, Skin Needling, and Laser Facial, your skin’s healing process is accelerated and results are increased.