One concerning trend in laser aesthetic health is the alarming practice of cutting corners, treatment safety and practitioner comfort all to save money in the short term. What can often result are second degree burns, irreversible scars, irreparable skin damage and long lasting remorse.
The laser industry in Australia is inconsistently regulated and monitored. In the state of Victoria, there is in fact no regulation, enabling any person of any background to own and operate a medical grade laser machine. How safe would you feel if the only certification your laser technician had was for accounting or glass-blowing and not for clinical laser treatments? Whilst Laser Safety Certification is essential for Western Australia and Queensland, it is a choice in Victoria. Always ask if your practitioner is a certified laser safety officer and can show you their qualification. Whilst this may provide comfort for some consumers, the reality of this certificate does not ensure a clinical education and understanding of skin and hair function and physiology. Laser is more than just pushing a button and treating, it is an understanding why certain wavelengths and parameters are set and what how that will positively react to both hair and skin. Always ask if your Laser Safety Certified practitioner is also qualified in health science, dermal therapies or paramedical beauty therapy as a minimum to ensure a complete understanding of your skin.